Are you aware of the basics of what you should do in the event of an oral emergency? Are you aware that even if you have a tooth knocked out or shattered, it may still be conceivable for your dentist to save the tooth? Being prepared with what to do after an oral accident or injury is critical for ensuring your recovery is as fruitful as it should or could be.
Focus your oral health care on oral emergencies. Save your smile with oral emergency treatments and these important facts:
– Cracked Tooth: If you suffer a cracked tooth due to blunt trauma or similar ailment, wash the area with clean water and apply a gauze pad to minimize bleeding.
– Tongue/Lip Bite: If you bite your lip or tongue, wash the affected area with clean water and cover with a gauze pad until it stops bleeding.
– Tooth Loss: If you suffer tooth loss, soak the loose tooth in a liquid substance to keep it moist, as it may be possible for your dentist to save the tooth.
– Filling/Crown Knocked Loose: If a dental crown or dental filling comes loose, cover the affected tooth in your mouth with chewing gum if it had a filling, and a cotton swab if it had a crown.
You may be at an increased risk for oral emergencies. John J. Andre, DDS & Associates is here to help you with all your oral health needs. For a complete diagnosis from Dr. John J. Andre and our team at our dentist office in Louisa, Virginia, you can schedule an appointment by calling us at (540) 967-0777. We look forward to taking your smile into the future with oral emergency treatments!