While our dentists and team make it our goal to avoid tooth removal whenever possible, it sometimes does become necessary to extract teeth. The most commonly removed teeth are the third molars, also known as wisdom teeth. To learn more about wisdom teeth removal in Glen Allen and Louisa, Virginia, and to make your appointment with Drs. Andre and Hall, please contact John J. Andre, DDS & Associates today at 804-346-8330 for our Glen Allen location or (540) 967-0777 for our Louisa location.
Our dentists may recommend wisdom teeth removal to protect your oral health and avoid serious complications. There are many reasons why we may recommend preventive wisdom tooth removal, including:
- Impaction (the inability of the teeth to erupt properly)
- Crowding
- Increased risk of infection to your gums and other dental tissues
- Tooth decay
- Damage to neighboring teeth
- Damage to your jawbone
Before removing your wisdom teeth, our dentists will carefully evaluate your smile, including the position of ALL your teeth, to determine whether or not you would benefit from extracting your third molars, and if so, when we should perform the procedure. Our dentist and team will make sure that your procedure is as painless and comfortable as possible. We are committed to keeping your smile in good health and looking beautiful.
For more information on wisdom teeth removal and to schedule a consultation with our doctors, please contact our practice today.